Microsoft Excel – Advanced

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1. What is a Macro


2. What is the correct structure of the IFERROR formula?


3. Can the numbers in a Pivot Table be converted to show the percentage they make of the total?


4. Can you combine more than 1 IF Statement together in a single cell


5. Which is the correct structure for a IF statement


6. What is the purpose of a Pivot Table


7. Can you have the data in a Pivot Table display the sum and average of the numbers?


8. What should the [Range_Lookup] in a VLOOKUP be, to return you an EXACT match from the table


9. What is the purpose of the SUMIF formula


10. What does a VLOOKUP do?


11. What is the purpose of the SUMIFS formula


12. Can another formula e.g. AVERAGE be used inside a IF statement?


Question 1 of 12