Facebook Page Analysis | CompEat Int

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Facebook Competitive Analysis Tool | CompEat Int



CompEat simplifies your approach to generating comprehensive, detailed, and data-driven Facebook page competitive analyses that compare your Facebook pages with those of your competitors, within a matter of minutes.

After generating the analysis, our tool will send you an email with a detailed CompEat report page that supplies real-time information that compares your page, posts, audience, engagement, reach, and more, with your competitor’s.


Compare the activity and effectiveness of social media campaigns with your competitors to see how effectively your posts are being engaged with.

Daily Posts

Post multiple times a day for more opportunities to get your brand in front of your audience. Strike the balance between being heard and less-being more with statistics about your daily posts.

Days per week with Posts

Stay relevant, consistent, authoritative and on your audience’s mind by posting daily.

Percentage of Posts with Links

Get your audience to engage more meaningfully with your posts. You can do this by creating content that they find interesting, entertaining, or helpful.


Spot the elements in your posts that encourage your viewers to act and interact meaningfully with your brand.

Engagement Total per Post

You want as many reactions, comments, and shares as possible for each post. Remember, that more engagement means more people will be seeing your content and interacting with your brand.

Engagement Rate

Engagement Rates offer a measure of how excited your audience is about your content, by quantifying how meaningfully they interact with them according to the ratio of your followers.

Shares per Post

Shared posts get you more coverage and gets your message out further. The more shares you get, the more your brand will resonate through the market.



Discover who is behind the likes and comments that get your brand known. Find out who they are, how they behave, and which posts they are interacting most with.



If you would like to know more about what CompEat is and how it can benefit your brand, be sure to get in contact with one of our representatives for details. Alternatively, feel free to take a look at our available packages and sign up with us now.